
What is Osteopathy ?

Osteopathy is a non-invasive form of manual therapy that specializes in gentle and effective treatment of a variety of ailments ranging from sports injuries, spinal disorders, infantile colic, neck aches, low back pain and headaches.

Osteopaths take a unique systematic approach to the diagnosis and treatment of your body to help you get well and stay well. The basic tenets of Osteopathic Medicine respects the self healing and self regulating (homeostatic) mechanisms of the human body; recognizing all physiologic functions of our body as a single well co-ordinated unit and its intimate relationship with our physical structures (spine, nerves, skeletal system, soft tissue, vasculature etc). The aches and pains we often feel usually stem from excessive biomechanical stresses we place on our musculoskeletal system.

Osteopaths take these as well as other factors in your lifestyle which could be a hindrance to how your body functions into consideration when arriving at a diagnosis and treatment.

A typical consultation with an Osteopath is aimed at the identification and treatment of these biomechanical disruptions using gentle hands-on techniques, as well as life style and nutritional modifications to restore the homeostatic balance of the body.

There are three treatment areas within osteopathic medicine

• Parietal osteopathy for the treatment of the muscle-joint system

• Visceral osteopathy for the treatment of the internal organs and

• Craniosacral osteopathy for the treatment of the central control system of the body, the brain, and the structures surrounding it.

Overall, osteopathy is a coherent medical system that follows the principles of applied anatomy, physiology and pathology.

The osteopathic treatment follows the principles of Dr. Quietly developed principles

• The body is a unit. He is always involved in health and illness as a whole.

• The body itself has the healing powers it needs.

• Structure and function are mutually linked.

Die rationale osteopathische Behandlung basiert auf dem Wissen und der Anwendung der obigen drei Prinzipien. Osteopathische Medizin bezieht immer den ganzen Menschen in die Behandlung ein: sie versucht, dem Menschen in seiner körperlichen, emotionalen und geistigen Einzigartigkeit gerecht zu werden und das Behandlungsziel gemeinsam mit ihm zu erreichen.

For which complaints does it make sense to contact an osteopath ?

The possible uses are diverse. In the musculoskeletal system, blockages of joints and the spine as well as acute and chronic pain of traumatic and degenerative origin can be treated. Examples in the field of internal medicine include functional heart problems, digestive disorders, organ prolapse, and the consequences of operations such as scarring and adhesions. Or in the urogenital area, chronic cystitis, incontinence and kidney problems. In the ear, nose and throat area, osteopathy can be used to treat headaches, sinusitis, dizziness, tinnitus, to regulate the bite or to treat jaw joint problems.

Osteopathy offers women relief from menstrual problems, menopausal symptoms or infertility and is useful for birth preparation and aftercare. Osteopathy is used frequently and successfully, especially in pediatrics, because children's tissue can be shaped for a long time and can therefore be positively influenced more quickly than in adults. Examples: Skull and facial deformities, torticollis, scoliosis, developmental delays, hip dysplasia.

How long does treatment take and who pays the costs ?

A treatment lasts between 20 and 60 minutes. Some private health insurers cover the costs of the treatments, but this must be clarified in writing beforehand. Osteopathic treatment is NOT included in the statutory health insurance service catalog because scientific studies on its effectiveness are still pending.

How many treatments are necessary on average ?

It can happen that someone is free of symptoms after one or two sessions. But that's not the rule. It depends on the symptoms. Blockages can possibly be solved more quickly; degenerative symptoms can be alleviated, but not eliminated. However, after three treatments an improvement should be noticeable, otherwise there is no point in further treatment. There is a two to three week break between sessions for self-regulation. The actual treatment takes place between treatments. The patient makes himself healthy, the osteopath only directs.

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Our services at a glance - all health insurance companies

General medical services

Medical care ● Laboratory ● Prevention

The work in our specialist practice for general medicine includes the acute and long-term care of all patients with physical or mental health disorders as well as important areas of prevention and rehabilitation.


Physical and rehabilitative medicine

Conservative orthopedics

The most common illnesses in my practice are problems with the spine, intervertebral discs, joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments, but also walking, movement and balance disorders.


Alternative medicine

Acupuncture ● Chiropractic ● Osteopathy

Chiropractic deals with disorders of the function of the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine. Its name is derived from the Greek word for hand (cheir). The hand is the only tool.


Aesthetic medicine

Wrinkle treatment ● Botox ● Hyaluron

In our professional and private lives, a lot of emphasis is placed on a well-groomed and fresh appearance these days. Counteract everyday life and the visible aging process. We will support you in this.



Vaccinations of all kinds

Relax through the winter without the flu, or react immune to tick bites. In times of Covid or against infections. Is your vaccination record up to date?


Legal and informative

Practice München Perlach

Dr. med. Nasrin Rahimi
Albert-Schweitzer-Str. 64
81735 München
Phone: +49 (0)89 - 6 35 29 64
Fax: +49 (0)89 - 63 49 99 51
Email: anfrage@praxis-dr-nasrin-rahimi.de

Practice München Sendling (Am Harras)

"Gesundheitsforum am Harras"
Dr. med. Nasrin Rahimi
Lindenschmitstr. 35
81371 München
Phone: +49 (0)89 - 77 29 29
Fax: +49 (0)89 - 72 50 59 0
Email: anfrage@gesundheitsforum-am-harras.de